Monday, March 5, 2012

Quick Tip: Stop Scarring from Pimples with this Easy Trick

materials you'll need:
three q-tips
sewing needle or pin
rubbing alcohol
spot band aids (small circular kind)
triple antibiotic cream

So, everyone knows you're not supposed to pop your pimples or it'll scar. Well I'm here to tell you the opposite. I always end up with pimples that could ruin my day. Don't touch it right yet! Just cover it up for the day, this way your not trying to cover up a newly formed scar (which always ends in disaster). When night falls take your makeup off, don't clean your face just yet. To prevent infection start off by rubbing some alcohol on the pimple. Now comes the gore. take a pin and poke the pimple to make a small hole(this way you don't end up having a huge cut on your face). Next take two q-tips on each side of the pimple and press together until you see blood. This means all the dirt has been removed. Now just to be safe take the rubbing alcohol and do the same as before and rub it on the spot. Now you can clean your face. Then with another q-tip place about half a pea size on the spot and cover with a band aid. Resume with face routine. Then go to sleep.

When you wake up remove the band aid and the pimple should be nearly gone. There will be some redness and in the next few days maybe some peeling, but keep putting the antibiotic cream and band aid on every night until the pimple is completely gone. This will insure that the pimple leaves no trace!

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